8 Tools to Fight Electronics Theft

It sucks to have your device stolen, but that’s an unfortunate reality of a world where we all carry around expensive phones, laptops, headphones, and more. Here’s how you can prevent the theft of your expensive electronics, or, if the worst happens, limit your damages.

How to Backup Your Data

Nobody thinks backing up their data is a big deal or all that important until they’re sitting at a computer repair shop listening to a technician...

10 Food World Records Held by Canadians

If you wanted to eat the world’s largest fruit snack, you’d have had to been in Kelowna . . . and also a kid.

Breaking Down the Messi Effect

In July, 37-year-old Argentine superstar Lionel Messi led his team to another victory at Copa América.

Canada as Described by Our World Records

How would you describe Canada? Well, read on, because we’re pretty distinctive in world-record-breaking ways.
